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Man Stuff

As her oldest son approached his teenage years, one of my best friends asked my advice on what an adolescent boy needs to define his entry into the teen years. Well I am not a boy but I did have four of them that I could turn to for advice. Here is what they had to say:

He needs a little spending money. He can earn it but please provide opportunities to do so.

He needs a lock box and his own key to keep his money safe.

Allow him to make his own decisions. Let him explain his reasons and respect his process and his choices.

Allow him to choose his own consequences.

He needs to be involved in sports. He needs to use his energy and find out what he is capable of. He needs to experience his limits and then push past them.

He needs to shave, even if it is only “frog hair”. He might need a mustache.


No harlots

Provide an atmosphere and time for him to have his friends over to hang out, or to have parties.

Food. Lots and lots of food.


Cologne. A real man has his own scent.

He needs personal toiletries. He needs his own toothpaste, his own hair products, and his own comb.

Personal space is very important. He does not need his own room but he needs his own space to keep his things. He needs time to himself. You can agree on a place outside where he can be alone and you know he is safe.

Weights; give him a workout challenge with a reward.

He is not a little kid anymore. He needs new privileges.

Super cool stuff his mother would not understand.

Each kid is different so he needs his own stuff. Help him explore his likes and find new hobbies.

He needs cool clothes. He might also need man jewelry.

He needs his parents to play and tease with him.

Recognize his individual strengths, but praise him privately. He needs to be different from his brothers.

What do you do to help your boys seize the teen years?

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